Skały ilaste towarzyszące pokładom węgli kamiennych w Lubelskim Zagłębiu Węglowym i możliwości ich wykorzystania w przemyśle ceramicznym i materiałów budowlanych
CLAY ROCKS ACCOMPANYING COAL SEAMS IN THE LUBLIN COAL BASIN AND POSSIBILITIES OF THEIR USE IN CERAMIC AND BUILDING MATERIAL INDUSTRY Summary The paper presents a brief mineralogical-petrographic characteristics and possibilities of use of clay rocks adjoining and intercalating coal seams in the Lublin Coal Basin. The studies showed that these rocks may be used as raw materials for production of: a) building ceramics, b) fire proof materials, c) binding materials (as byproducts of complex production of Al2O3 and cement klinkier by the J. Grzymek method), d) moulding mass in foundries, e) artificial light aggregates.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia