Występowanie utworów sapropelowych i charakterystyka ich jakości w Zagłębiach Węglowych - Górnośląskim i Lubelskim
THE OCCURRENCE AND QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF SAPROPELITE DEPOSITS FROM THE UPPER SILESIA AND LUBLIN COAL BASINS Summary The studies on Carboniferous sapropelites, carried out by the Upper Silesian Branch of the Geological Institute in the years 1975-1977, markedly contributed to the knowledge of quality and perspective resources of Carboniferous sapropelites of the Upper Silesia and Lublin Coal Basins. The studies showed complex form and structure of sapropelite deposits. The deposits usually accompany humus coal seams in the form of irregular layers (lenses) limited in distribution and highly varying in thickness (0.05 to 0.80 m thick in the Lublin Coal Basin and to 2.50 m. thick in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin). Quality parameters appear to be highly variable in a given lens. Changes in value of basic quality parameter, i. e. primary tar content, range up to 12-15%. Sapropelites of a given lens appear to be also variable in petrographic structure. The high variability of deposit parameters and quality precludes a more accurate estimations of sapropelite resources. The resources and economic reserves of sapropelites in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin are estimated at 40 m t and 9 m t, respectively, and in the Lublin Coal Basin --at about 3 m:t and about l m. t, respectively. The north-eastern part of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin, i.e. the area stretching between Dąbrowa Górnicza and Tenczynek, was found to be the most perspective from the point of view of resources and possibilities of mining and industrial use of sapropelites.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia