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RESULTS OF NEW STUDIES AND SEARCH OF HARD COAL DEPOSITS IN THE CENTRAL SUDETIC SYNCLINORIUM Summary In the end of sixties, the mines markedly intensified search for hard coal deposits outside their mining fields. This intensification was mainly related to the introduction of deep drillings from the surface which could be situated far from the boundaries of areas of mining works. Somewhat later the Geological Institute joined the drilling projects aimed at the search for coal deposits. The works carried out by the Institute were partly based on newly obtained borehole data from drillings ordered by mining industry. The studies made it possible to gather valuable data (largely still unpublished) which contributed to better knowledge of paleogeography of coal-bearing Carboniferous. The development of Namurian and Westphalian basins was somewhat reinterpreted in relation to that outlined in the last synthesis, i.e. the Geological Atlas of the Lower Silesia Coal Basin (1). Discovery of coal seam in the Ludwików beds in the Głuszyce area, hitherto unknown from these strata in Polish part of the Central Sudetic synclinorium, represents important but unexpected side effect of these studies. The drillings were followed by basic studies based on newly obtained data. These studies and especially stratigraphic studies indirectly influence the concept of further search and studies of coal deposits. The paper presents an attempt to summarize the most important effects of the above mentioned studies. A special attention is paid to those directly contributing to discovery of new perspective areas of hard coal deposits.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia