Perspektywy występowania węgli koksujących w Górnośląskim Zagłębiu Węglowym
PERSPECTIVES OF OCCURRENCE OF COKING COALS IN THE UPPER SILESIA COAL BASIN Summary A specific arrangement of zones differing in coal quality may be traced in the profile of coal-bearing Carboniferous in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin. It is characterized by a definite sequence of coals from those of the energetic type (according to the Polish classification) in upper parts of the profile to the anthracitic ones at the largest depths. This sequence appears independent of structural arrangement of coal-bearing Carboniferous and the width of zones of particular coal types is highly varying in the vertical (up to several hundred meters). The analysis of spatial arrangement of zones of coking coals (Fig. 2) made possible accurate estimations of perspectives of their occurrence in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin. At depths to 1000 m, i,e. to the current limit of mining activity, their distribution is limited to relatively small parts of the Basin. The most perspective areas include southern and northern parts of the Rybnik Coal Field and, on somewhat smaller scale, southern and Central parts of the Main Basin. The distribution of coking coal zones suggests that the main perspective resources are connected with deep-.seated (i.e. seated at depths over 1000 m) horizons of the coal-bearing Carboniferous.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia