Stan rozpoznania zasobów złóż węgla kamiennego oraz kierunki rozwoju prac geologicznych
THE PRESENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE OF HARD COAL DEPOSITS AND DIRECTIONS IN GEOLOGICAL STUDIES The economic development of the country after the world war II required dynamic reconstruction of coal mining industry. This was achieved thanks to appropriate geological knowledge of hard coal deposits. Proven economic resources of hard coals mainly include energetic coals of the types 31-33 (72%). Perspective resources of these raw materials occurring at depths smaller than 1500 m equal about 135,000 mln t. The paper presents the history of geological-prospecting works carried out in two main coal basins in Poland: Upper Silesia and Lublin. The current knowledge of geology of these basins, their economic and perspective coal reserves and planned developments in studies in the years 1979-2000 are also discussed.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia