Dewońskie źródło podmorskie w rejonie Zawiercia w świetle badań izotopowych 13C i 18O


  • Stanisław Hałas
  • Tomasz Durakiewicz
  • Zdzisław Migaszewski


DEVONIAN SUBMARINE SPRING IN THE ENVIRONS OF ZAWIERCIE (SOUTH POLAND) IN LIGHT OF 13C AND 18O ISOTOPE STUDIES Summary A curious piece of core from Devonian carbonate deposits was subjected to the detailed isotopic study. Both the petrographic and isotopic investigations have revealed that this sample represents a fossil submarine hydrothermal spring which deposited a white calcite vein in a crack within the carbonate sediments of the sea floor. Three isotopic ally different carbonate precipitates have been identified. The highest temperature estimated from δ18O and δ 13C values of carbonates is about 180 °C, in the vein's interior: δ 13C and δ18O (vs PDB) about -5 and -20 permil, respectively.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia