Dorobek badań neotektonicznych w Polsce w latach 1970 -1990: próba podsumowania


  • Witold Zuchiewicz


ACHIEVEMENTS OF NEOTECTONIC STUDIES IN 1970-1990: AN ATTEMPT OF SUMMARY Summary Neotectonic studies in Poland concern mainly manifestations of those tectonic movements that have been active in Late Neogene and Quaternary times (Figs. 1, 2), as well as geodetically-measured recent vertical crustal movements. Among problems of particular interest, the following should be listed: periodicity of neotectonic (mostly Quaternary) activity, estimating parameters of the neotectonic stress field, amplitudes and rates of Quaternary and recent movements, development of neo tectonic grabens and young faults, mutual relationships among photolineaments, geologic structures and recent seismicity, manifestations of salt tectonics, as well as the role of tectonic reactivation of fault zones due to human (mostly mining) activity. New research techniques have been developed, focusing chiefly on morphometric-statistical analyses of tectonically deformed landforms, reconstruction- reconstruction of compaction history of young basins, as well as hydrogeological studies in different neotectonic domains. Future investigations should put more emphasis on paleoseismotectonic phenomena and practical application of neotectonic research.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia