Wzbudzanie drgań sejsmicznych systemem Vibroseis i jego pierwsze zastosowanie w Polsce


  • Ryszard Łomnicki
  • Władysław Pawlak
  • Ernest Poleszak


GENERATION OF SEISMIC ENERGY WITH THE USE OF THE VIBROSEIS SYSTEM AND ITS FIRST APPLICATION IN POLAND Summary The Vibroseis system produces - by means of a vibrator - continuous soil vibration of controlled, alternate-in-time frequency. The procedure is called "sweep" generation. Mutual correlation of generated and reflected sweeps gives a correlogram. There is a close correlation between the generated signal spectrum and the shape of the correlation function. The basic parameters of the function are definition, resolution and width. The use of vibration-generating technique is accompanied by a number of disturbances, the most important one is the so called "ghost". In field operations the Vibroseis system requires exceptionally careful selection of observation parameters. In 1976, the sytem was first used in Poland in the area of Oborniki Wielkopolskie - Wągrowiec. The results obtained fully confirm the advantages of the Vibroseis system and justify its wide application.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia