Opracowywanie map powierzchni zwierciadła wód podziemnych przy zastosowaniu elektronicznej techniki obliczeniowej


  • Jan Malinowski
  • Jacek Owczarczyk
  • Przemysław Stenzel


PREPARATION OF MAPS OF GROUNDWATER TABLE SURFACE WITH THE USE OF ELECTRONIC COMPUTATION TECHNIQUE Summary The paper presents the method of mapping of groundwater table with the use of electronic computation techniques ort the example of an area With groundwater. circulation system. For this area were prepared hydroisohypse maps with the use of both the above mentioned method (Fig. 2) and the interpolation method (Fig. 1). The comparisons showed that the former gives more reliable image of groundwater table pattern. Attention is drawn to the fact that mapping of the groundwater table with the use of electronic computation techniques is purposeful and highly useful in the case of small hydrogeological units with large number of very carefully selected measurement data. The image obtained with the use of a limited number of data (Fig. 3) is highly generalized and not usable for hydrogeological purposes. The discussed method may be, therefore, recommended as highly useful for tracing changes of groundwater table in areas of well intakes and controlling the influence of mining drainage and artifical water reservoirs on their surrounding.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia