Kilka uwag o glacitektonice na Niżu Polskim


  • Józef Edward Mojski
  • Jan Rzechowski


SOME REMARKS ON GLACITECTONICS FROM THE POLISH LOWLANDS mojski Summary In May 1977, the Second Glacitectonic Symposium was organized by the College of Engineering in Zielona Góra. The topics of the Symposium - covered genesis of glacitectonic structures and processes conditioning their formation, regionalization of glacitectonic phenomena, detailed characteristic of local structures from the engineering-geological viewpoint, mining loses resulting from the occurrence of such structures, and technical difficulties connected with building-up of disturbed areas. The relationship between glacitectonics and geological structure of deeper substratum was discussed. It was pointed out that certain state norms controlling geological-engineering works connected with building-up of the disturbed areas should be revised and changed. During the discussions a call was made for introducing some order into terminology and classification of glacitectonic structures with reference to their diagnostic features. The IIIrd Glacitectonic Symposium is planned for the year 1980.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia