Budowa geologiczna wschodniego obrzeżenia Kotliny Zakopiańskiej


  • Wojciech Ozimkowski


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF EASTERN MARGIN OF THE ZAKOPANE DEPRESSION Summary The paper presents the results of studies carried out by the author in the areas of Murzasichle and Małe Ciche villages in the Podhale region (Fig. 1). The studies were aimed at reconstruction of the tectonics and an attempt to determine the morphogenesis of eastern part of the Zakopane Depression and its margin. Besides classic methods of field mapping, the author used geological interpretation of air photos. This was necessary as flysch deposits crop out almost only in valley floors and it was not possibble to trace lithological complexes on hill crests between streams with out the use of photointerpretation. The photointepretation was mainly based on morphological criteria as phototones are poorly readable. Small convex morphological forms are connected with lithological complexes with higher share of sandstones and the concave forms - with more shaly complexes. On that basis was made photointerpretational map of this area (Fig. 2).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia