Iły kaolinitowe warstw międzywęglowych kopalni Turów
KAOLINITE CLAYS FROM INTERCALATIONS OF COAL SEAMS IN THE TURÓW MINE Summary Turoszów clays from three layers separated by brown coal seams in the Żytawa Basin. They are highly variable in granulation (Table 1). Coarse grain fraction, representing contaminations in these clays, consists of quartz, potassium feldspar and brown coal grains. Table 2 presents chemical composition of clays separating coal seams. X-ray and diffractometer analyses (Figs. 1-2) showed that kaolinite is the main component and that illite, smectite and minerals with mixed-layered structure occur in subordinate amounts in these clays. A high variability in mineral composition is related to diversity of rocks forming basement of the Żytawa Basin and supplying material for formation of these clays as well as very rapid transport and sedimentation of the sedimentary series. Variable technological properties of these clays and especially high viscosity of water suspension of a low concentration (Table 3) impede selection of proper enrichment technique necessary for malting them usable in ceramics industry. It should be noted that these clays belong to kaolin raw materials turning white after firing and characterized by very high resistance to bending. Some parts of these clays are also very highly incombustible. The resources of Turoszów clays are of the order of several millions tons so their use may be highly advantageous for the country's raw material basis, especially as exploitation of other deposits ceases.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia