Opróbowanie złoża rud miedzi monokliny przedsudeckiej


  • Barbara Romanowska
  • Wojciech Salski


SAMPLING OF COPPER DEPOSITS OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINE Summary Sampling made in the course of mining was used to evaluate basic parameters of the copper deposit. It appears that variability of these parameters greatly depends on lithology of zone of mineralization above cut-off grade. The variability is found to be the lowest when mineralization is confined to sandstones and copper-bearing shales and the highest when mineralization is confined to dolomites and only some parts of shales and sandstones (Fig. 2). The deposit is divided into three zones differing in the mode of variability (Fig. l) with the reference to statistical analysis of six exploitational blocks. The smallest values of variability coefficients are typical of the A zone which comprises south-eastern part of the mining area, and the highest - of the C zone, comprising north-western part of the area (Table 1). The studies showed that it is necessary to adjust sampling network to local differentation in variability of the deposit. Up to the present, the deposit parameters were estimated on the basis of furrow samples taken according to uniform procedure in 15 m intervals in all the mining works. Taking into account the results of statistical analysis it is proposed to introduce the following spacing of furrow samples taken in mining works exposing and contouring the deposit: 25 m interval in the A zone, 20 m interval in the B zone and 15 m interval in the C zone (Fig. 1). Sampling in the exploitation sections would be of the check type only and based on ł\the 30 × 30 m network. The proposed spacing of furrow samples fully matches required accuracy of recognition of deposit parameters ( Fig. 3). Differentiation in size of sampling network provides, at the same time, uniform accuracy of estimation of resources for the whole copper mining field.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia