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  • Władysław Kozik


THE USE OF SEVEN-ELECTRODE SYNTHETIC REMOTE RESISTANCE LOGGING IN STUDIES ON COLLECTOR ROCKS WITH FISSURE-TYPE POROSITY Summary Seven-electrode synthetic remote resistance logging, SPOst-7, was used for determining fissure porosity of carbonate rocks by “two-solution method”. The paper presents results of studies on fissurity of carbonat rocks, carried out using the SPOst-7 method. Measurements were taken in boreholes penetrating Cretaceous-Jurassic carbonate complex in the Carpathian Przedgórze region. There are given examples of sets of measurement data recorded in the boreholes as well as practical comments and conclusions concerning the conditions of use and effectiveness of the used methods of borehole electrometry (POst-3( SPOst-7) in studies on carbonate collectors with fissure porosity by “two-solution method” on the basis of experimental measurements taken in boreholes. The measurements showed that the SPOst-7 method is more advantageous than the POst-3 on account of this higher accuracy and usability in boreholes of any depth.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia