Wykształcenie mikrofacjalne dolomitu głównego w północnej części monokliny przedsudeckiej


  • Tadeusz M. Peryt


MICROFACIES DEVELOPMENT IN THE MAIN DOLOMITE IN NORTHERN PART OF THE FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINE Summary The paper presents results of studies on the microfacies of the Main Dolomite and the main features of paleogeography and sedimentary environment of northern parts of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline It appeared possible to trace here two main paleogeographic units highly differing from one another in microfacies development, i.e. those of deep and shallow shelf. The former is characterized by the presence of transgressive sedimentary cycle which, under the conditions of repeated lack of compensation of subsidence by sedimentation resulted in a marked increase in depth of reservoir during sedimentation of Main Dolomite deposits. The shallow shelf is characterized by regressive cycle of sedimentation, especially well-developed in the area of the Lubuska barrier which, in turn, resulted in the onset of supralitoral conditions at the end of sedimentation of Main Dolomite deposits. Attention should be paid to the existence of mud banks stabilized by non-stromatolite blue-green algae in shallow shelf plains stretching east of the Lubuska barrier.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia