Aktualne zagadnienia budowy geologicznej paleozoiku regionu śląsko-krakowskiego i jego okruszcowania


  • Stanisław Bukowy


CURRENT PROBLEMS OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE PALEOZOIC OF THE SILESIAN-CRACOW REGION AND ITS MINERALIZATION Summary Triassic and Jurassic deposits of the cover stage discordantly overlay erosionally truncated tectonic structures in the Cracow region. The structures are asymmetric, NW-SE trending and with NE vergence and surrounding the Upper Silesian coal basin in the form of arc. Synclines are built of the Dinatian and lower links of the Namurian, whereas the anticlines – of the Devonian as well as the lower Paleozoic and Upper Precambrian rocks. They display traces of influence of older tectonic movements, i.e. fragments of the Caledonian structures incorporated by the Variscian. These rock series comprise numerous volcanites, pegmatites and granitoid intrusions. Metamorphism is of the orogenic type. In some places are marked dynamo-metamorphism and thermic of imbibitional metamorphism, as well as skarns and metamorphism connected with contact zone if igneous bodies. W few generations of low-, medium- and high-temperature Cu, Mo, Zn and Pb mineralizations with characteristic association of trace elements were found in Paleozoic formations. The occurrence of batholite is suggested by igneous as well as mineral parageneses. The Paleozoic rocks of the Cracow region markedly differ from those of the Upper Silesian region, almost horizontal and represented by the Silesian Formation 1500 to 4000 m i thickness. The former also differ from those of the Jędrzejów region, less intensively tectonized and metamorphized and with less distinct mineralization. The paleorelief of the Cracow region is also specific as Paleozoic rock occurring here beneath the Triassic cover from a horst rised 1500 m and 2500 m in relation to the Dinatian of the Upper Silesia and the Paleozoic of the Jędrzejów region, respectively. It is separated from the neighbouring areas by tectonic troughs infilled with Permian rocks. The specific structure is also reflected by Triassic facies and mineralization and Jurassic and Cretaceous facies. The specific character of the Cracow region is also reflected by the tectonic of the Miocene as steeply dipping Paleozoic rocks overlain by the Jurassic form a barrier extending almost as far as the Carpathians and narrow Carpathian Foredeep.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia