Zastosowanie trójelektrodowego sterowanego profilowania oporności do badania szczelinowatości skał węglanowych


  • Władysław Kozik


THE USE OF TRIELECTRODE REMOTE RESISTANCE LOGGING IN STUDIES ON FISSURITY OF CARBONATE ROCS Summary The paper deals with the studies on fissurity of carbonate rocks using borehole electrometry methods. The results of measurements made by "two-solution method" with the use of three-electrode remote resistance logging are given. Experimental measurements were made in boreholes from the areas of the Pomeranian Synclinorium and Fore-Sudetic Monocline. The studied rocks represent carbonate Muschelkalk complex. The discussion is illustrated with two sets of measurement data from the boreholes G-4 and Ż-7. The results obtained with the use of three-electrode plummets with cylindrical electrodes may be treated as fully satisfactory from the point of view of qualitative interpretation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia