Analiza areometryczna w badaniach morskich osadów ilastych


  • Władysław Piotrowicz
  • Jerzy Prejzner
  • Krystyna Olańczuk-Neyman


AEROMETRIC ANALYSIS IN STUDIES ON MARINE CLAY DEPOSITS Summary The studies on granulometry of clay rocks with the use of sedimentary methods requires preparation off stable suspension. However, it appears difficult to obtain such suspension not calculating after adding stabilizer from some clay deposits and especially ancient and recent deposits of marine origin. This enhanced the present authors to undertake this problem. The analysis of numerous samples of bottom deposits from the Gdańsk and Puck Bays in the Baltic made it possible to elaborate appropriate method of preparation of samples for such studies. It appeared that some types of bottom deposits require different treatment. Some samples require repeated decantation with distillated water and removal of organic matter using hydrogen peroxide. Samples prepared in this way and subsequently flushed and treated with sodium pyrophosohate as stabilizer gave stable suspension which could be measured using aerometric methods. Other deposits did not require hydrogen peroxide treatment and formed stable suspension after decanting with distillated water. The results of studies on marine clay deposits confirmed the validity of used method of work.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia