Znaczenie kryteriów petrograficznych dla korelacji trzeciorzędowych osadów okruchowych


  • Barbara Kosmowska-Ceranowicz


THE SIGNIFICANCE OF PETROGRAPHIC CRITERIA FOR CORRELATION OF TERTIARY DETRITAL DEPOSITS Summary Petrographic studies of detrital Tertiary deposits, initiated in the Museun of the Earth in the sixties, may form the basis for drawing paleogeographic and stratigraphic conclusions. An attempt to differentiate mineralogical Tertiary provinces showed that the influence of alimentary areas was clearly limited and not long-distance in the case of the northern Poland. Deposits of some Tertiary horizons from the central Poland display marked mineralogical separateness connected with alimentary area of the Volhyn-Ukraine massif. Table I, based on both published and unpublished author's data, presents an attempt to use the results of analyses of heavy fraction for stratigraphic purposes. The complexes differentiated are named after mineral assemblages or individual minerals predominating in deposits. The results of the studies were also used to calculate the Q index (Fay 6), defining the ratio of the sum of garnet, epidote and hornblende to the sum of zircon, tourmaline and rutile. This index reflect selection resulting from differences in resistance and, therefore, very clearly illustrated a remarkable horizontal and vertical variability of Tertiary deposits in mineralogy.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia