Nowe stanowisko osadów glacjalnych w Górach Sowich, Sudety Środkowe


  • Dariusz Krzyszkowski
  • Edyta Pijet


A NEW SITE OF THE GLACIAL DEPOSITS IN THE GÓRY SOWIE MTS (SUDETEN MTS) Summary A new site with a till in the Sowie Góry Mts, central Sudeten, SW Poland, was found in the Miła river valley, near Lutomia. The till is ca 1 m thick and occurs on a small, 25 m high flattening in the valley. Its age is supposed to be Saalian; hence the 25 m high flattening represents the pre - Saalian valley floor, from which fluvial deposits were eroded during the ice sheet advance. The petrographic composition of the till indicates mostly local rocks, the Sowie Góry gneiss and quartz, but the northern rocks are also frequent, reaching up to 27%. The latter group of rocks include mainly Scandinavian red granitoids and Dala sandstones, flint, Neogene mudstones from the Polish Lowland, some crystalline rocks from the Sudetic Foreland and the Sudetic porphyries which come from the Bystrzyca river alluvial fan, being located directly north of the area discusse



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia