Kaledońskie krakowidy jako górotwór transpresyjny


  • Czesław Harańczyk


CALEDONIAN CRACOVIDES (SW POLAND) AS A TRANSPRESSIONAL OROGENE Summary The Caledonian Zawiercie-Rzeszotary Terrane Suture Fault separates the Caledonian Krakovides Mts. into the Małopolska Terrane and an Exotic Lubliniec-Zawiercie-Wieluń Terrane localized north of the Variscan terrane including the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. The lithology and stratigraphy of the exotic terrane embraces Cambrian black metasediments, Ordovician, Arenig-Ashghillian metaturbidites of distal flisch facies, separated by three marble beds dated by conodonts, and followed by unmetamorphosed Llandoverian-Lower Ludlovian limestones overlain by siltstones and orogenic flysch (a few kilometres thick)



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia