Korelacja chronostratygraficzna lessów Polski Południowej i Ukrainy Północno-Zachodniej


  • Henryk Maruszczak


CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION OF LOESSES IN SOUTHERN POLAND AND NORTH-WESTERN UKRAINE Summary For a long time loess stratigraphy in the discussed area has been determined mainly on the basis of paleopedological criteria. In the last decades the results obtained in this way were verified by means of paleocryologic and paleomagnetic analyses and datings made by physical methods [12, 13]. The dating results facilitated the correlation of stratigraphic schemes of Polish and Ukrainian loesses [16]. They also allowed researchers to make attempts at parallelization with global glacial-interglacial cycles of paleogeographic events, and especially with 18O stages of deep-sea deposits [15, 17]. In the last years the knowledge about the older and oldest loesses has been considerably improved. Owing to this I can make an attempt at parallelization with global cycles and more detailed correalation of Polish and Ukrainian loesses up to their age of 500 ka (Figs. 2, 3). These loesses represent five successive glacial cycles: Sanian (EIsterian 2), Liwiec (pre-Saalian = Schoningen ?), Odranian (Saalian 1), Wartanian (Saalian 2) and Vistulian (Weichselian). From analyses of the main profiles it appears that the intensity of loess accumulation increased since the oldest of the mentioned glacial cycles (Fig. 2); it was the highest during the Vistulian. This trend is consistent with the differentiation of intensity of eolian dust accumulation in the global scale (vide Fig. 3a).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia