Stratygrafia i geneza osadów na stanowisku interglacjału eemskiego w Jaworzynie Śląskiej (okolice Świdnicy)
STRATIGRAPHY AND GENESIS OF EEMIAN INTERGLACIAL DEPOSITS OF THE JAWORZYNA ŚLĄSKA SITE (SW POLAND) Summary The paper deals with the Eemian site in Jaworzyna, southwestern Poland, which was published for the first time in 1977. New data suggest that complete stratigraphical succession at this site is as following, from the bottom: lower fluvial gravels, deposited during the Wartanian stage and partly, in their uppermost part, during the Eemian; Eemian peat with complete interglacial pollen succession; middle lacustrine silts or silts and sands, deposited during the lower or middle Weichselian; and the upper fluwial sands and gravels and layers of organic mud, deposited during the middle Weichselian (>38 000 yrs BP). There is no distinct erosional boundaries between the members described, suggesting almost continuous sedimentation at least from the Wartanian stage to middle Weichselian. The sediments were deposited on the alluvial fan formed by Pełcznica and Strzegomka rivers which have flown from Middle Sudeten what is documented by petrographical and mineralogical investigations.Issue
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia