Litologia kimerydzkich ewaporatów południowo-zachodniego skłonu platformy wschodnioeuropejskiej


  • Elena W. Chmielewska


LITHOLOGY OF KIMMERIDGIAN EVAPORITES OF SOUTH-WESTERN SLOPE OF EAST EUROPEAN PLATFORM Summary Kimmeridgian evaporites spread out along the south-western slopes of East European Platform on territory of Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine and Poland. They consist of interbedded dolomites, dolomitic limestones, anhydrite and siliciclastic rocks, and in Predobrugea also of gypsum and rocks salt. The lithological and geochemical examination showed that they formed in similar lagoonal environments, in conditions of the increased salinity, restricted water exchange and terrigenous material supply to the evaporite basin. Only in the Predobrugea region the evaporite process reached the stage of halite accumulation. The research was made possible in part by grants Nos. UCMOOO and UCM200 from the International Science Foundation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia