Rodzaj i jakość kopalin a prognozowanie zasobów złóż


  • Andrzej Bolewski


TYPE AND QUALITY OF RAW MATERIALS AND THE PROGNOSIS OF DEPOSIT RESOURCES Summary The prognosis of the type and quality of deposits and, indirectly, their resources, comes out of the economic balance of the country deposit management and the demand trends revealed by it. The range of the prognosis is wider than that established by the ballance of country deposits as the latter are insufficient to produce all the raw materials indispensable of the national economy. The attention is also given to those deposits from which raw materials hitherto not produced in Poland may he obtained, Which means that the range of geological prognosis becomes wider. The results of studies in the field of mineralogy make it also possible to prognose a better utilization of deposits and raw materials, e.g. by retrieval of accompanying elements and use of mining and post-processing waste.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia