Ogólne zasady oceny perspektywicznych obszarów i zasobów kopalin


  • Roman Osika


GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF ESTIMATIONS OF PERSPECTIVE AREAS AND MINERAL RAW MATERIAL RESOURCES Summary Geological prognosis 1s conducted to evaluate undiscovered deposit areas or resources, and to improve and aim prospecting. Prognostic methods are based on the analysis of geological structure of the studied formation zone, geological premises and deposit indications. Differentiation is made between qualitative and quantitative prognosing. The former is conducted when deposit indications are scanty and the knowlege of geological structure of the area poor. The results of qualitative prognosing are given in the form of a prognostic map which shows perspective areas. Quantitative prognosing involves estimation of prognostic Polish mining categories D1, D2 and D3) or potential (category E) resources. The established prognostic and potential resources do not form the basis for economic planning but may be used for planning land use in the scale of the country, deposit protection, and especially deposit prospecting.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia