Rola prognozowania zasobów kopalin w naukowo-badawczej działalności Instytutu Geologicznego


  • Bronisław Bednarczuk
  • Marian Sałdan


THE ROLE OF DEPOSIT RESOURCE PROGNOSIS IN THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME OF THE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Summary The geological-prospecting surveys of deposit resources conducted at the Geological Institute have a long and rich tradition. They resulted in. the discovery of several rich raw material deposits of great importance for the national economy. In 1979-1980, a geological prognosis of deposit resources will be worked out which will make a basis for a long-term geological prospecting and exploration of new deposits. Apart from the analysis of all the available geological data from the point of view of prospecting for deposits, the prognosis will include the following studies: the degree of meeting planned demand of industries for mineral raw materials, economic evaluation of results of deposit prospecting, and the planned national demand in relation to the word trends in the use of raw materials. Methodological geological-prospecting works will be steadily continued in the Geological Institute after 1980.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia