Warunki geotermiczne i ich wpływ na rozmieszczenie nagromadzeń węglowodorów w zachodniej części platformy wschodnioeuropejskiej
GEOTHERMAL CONDITIONS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON DISTRIBUTION. OF HYDROCARBON DEPOSITS IN WESTERN PART OF THE EAST-EUROPEAN PLATFORM Summary The paper presents the results of search for oil and gas in Older Paleozoic rocks of the East-European Precambrian Platform in Poland and neighboring areas on the background of studies on the geothermal field. The analysis of geothermal maps and the nature of hydrocarbon deposits showed the existence of regional and depth pattern in distribution of oil and gas deposits in the Older Paleozoic, depending on geothermal conditions. Maps of temperature of the top of crystalline basement, Earth heat flow and mean geothermal gradient in the studied area are also given.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia