Ujednolicenie metodyki sporządzania map surowców mineralnych


  • Stefan Kozłowski


UNIFICATION OF METHODOLOGY OF PREPARATION OF RAW MATERIAL MAPS Summary Instruction to preparation of the Detailed Geological Map of Poland in the scale 1:50,000 and in complex approach, (published in 1977, is discussed. The complex map also comprises map of mineral raw materials in the scale 1:50,000 or 1:100,000. A principle was accepted that the raw material data are not plotted on ordinary geological map but especially designed lithological one. The latter shows outcrops and subcrops under a thin blanket (up to 10 m thick) and two ranges of perspective areas, corresponding to the concepts of prognostic resources of the Polish mining category D1 and D2. The map also shows contours of proven deposits, mines, productive wells, quarries, and clay and gravel pits, as well as results of surface geophysical and geochemical surveys. It presents data on deposits occurring at depths not greater than 100 m, i.e. suitable for open-cast mining or quarrying. Data concerning deposits from larger depths (down to 1,000 m) are given on auxiliary sketch of distribution of raw materials. Each sheet of raw material map is accompanied by explanatory text discussing : a) geological setting and genesis of deposits, b) physico-chemical and technological properties of mineral raw materials, c) characteristics of perspective areas. The principles of construction of raw material maps greatly depart from those which had been obligatory up to now. The preparation of the complex geological map is supervised by the coordinating-leading group organized in the Geological Institute in 1978.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia