Makroskopowy paradoks agregacji utworów lessowych i lessopodobnych


  • Witold Cezariusz Kowalski


MACROSCOPIC PARADOX OF AGGREGATORS OF LOESS AND LOESS-LIKE DEPOSITS Summary The macroscopic aggregation paradox was based on results of macroscopic (megascopic) granulometric and aggregate analyses of loess samples collected from the Sudetic Foreland and the area between Ćmielów and Opatów (The Holy Cross Mountains). The macroscopic aggregation paradox may be described as follows: the more clayey sample of loess deposits, the more sandy it looks macroscopically and its breakage surface is more rough. The feeling of sandness and roughness of the loess deposits breakage surface is not only due presensce of separate sand grains, but also large aggregates. The large aggregates mainly appear when content of day fraction is high. The large aggregates are macroscopically taken as sand grains. It can be concluded that the results of aggregate analysis show capability of the tested deposits to aggregation, and they may be used as an approximative index of aggregation for the whole soil (rock) volume - especially in the case of loess deposits. It is proved by a marked coincidence of identifications soil (rock) types based on results of macroscopic and aggregate analyses and differences be,tween those based on macroscopic and granulometric analyses.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia