Zagadnienia wyznaczania porowatości skał piaskowcowo-ilastych na podstawie interpretacji danych profilowania akustycznego z użyciem EMC
THE QUESTION OF ESTIMATING POROSITY OF SANDSTONE-CLAY ROCKS ON THE BASIS OF ACOUSTIC LOG DATA WITH THE USE OF COMPUTERS Summary Velocity of acoustic waves in rock medium taken from interpretation of sonic log curves ΔT, in cavernous zones and shales may be obtained with great error, because in these zones cycle skipping can be observed. The paper presents the method of velocity calculation based on sonic log curves ΔT, T1, T2. It is introduced the correction to curves T1 and T2 for acoustic waves spread in mud, taking into consideration changes of borehole diameter, too. It brings to perfection the velocity calculation. Based on correct sonic log curves porosity of shaly sandstones was obtained in borehole P-15. The Willie equation and the regression equation obtained specially for istebniańskie beds, were taken to the calculations.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia