Czy w Tatrach jest płaszczowina strażowska?
IS THE STRAZOV NAPPE PRESENT IN THE TATRA MTS? Summary The question of tectonic setting of Triassic carbonate complexes which rest on rocks of the Krizna nappe (= Fatricum) in the area of the Chochołowska Valley in the western Tatra Mts (Fig. l) is discussed. A part of these Triassic rocks were assigned to the Strazov nappe (an equivalent of so-called higher sub-tatric nappes, i.e. Silicium sensu Mello, 17) by Z. Kotański (12, 14). •The presence of rocks of the Choc nappe (= Hronicum) in this area is widely known whereas ,the differentiation of tectonically higher Srazov nappe appears questionable. The three tectonic units recognized here (Furkaska, Koryciska, and Siwa Woda units) are characterized by the presence of dolomitic rocks with subordinate limestone intercalations, typical of the Hronicum sequence (4, 16), and their stratigraphic relations are clear (Fig. 2). The predominance of pebbles of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic rocks of the Choc nappe at the base of conglomerates of the Tatric Eocene suggests superposition of the Choc nappe rocks in relation to those of the Koryciska unit which, according to Z. Kotański (1-14) would represent the Strazov nappe. "Reifling Limestone", "Partnach Beds", “Wetterstein Dolomite", "'Opponitz Limestone", as well as "Hauptdolomite" and rocks of the Norovica Formation represent typical lithological members in the Hronicum sequence in the western Carpathians (4, 18). Therefore, in accordance with the point of view of Mahel (16), the above discussed sequence from the Chochołowska Valley should be assigned to the Choc nappe.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia