Stan udokumentowania i wykorzystania wód leczniczych Polski
THE RESOURCES AND USE OF MEDICINAL WATERS IN POLAND Summary In 1978, a Card Index of Medicinal Waters of Poland has been compiled in the Geological Institute. The Card Index well displays the knowledge, resources, and use of these waters in Poland and it also forms a basis for elaborating their budget. Medicinal waters are fairly common in Poland. In the scale of the country, proven resources of these waters (mainly chlorine ones) are of the order of 2180.65 m3/h, including 823.54 m3/h of thermal ones. The resources of these groundwaters, representing valuable balneological material, are discussed in the paper. The waters are exploited for the needs of physiotherapy, and consumption (mineral water) as well as salt and CO2 waters. The exploitation for these purposes in the scale of the country is about 716.63 m3/h, i.e. about 33% of proven resources. Full use of the resources of medicinal waters is not always possible nor justified. Large surplus of the resources in relation to the needs is recorded in "salt" health resorts areas in northern and central Poland, and the shortage - in some areas in the Sudety Mts and Carpathians.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia