Powstawanie fal odbitych •od płaszczyzn uskoków


  • Tadeusz Krynicki


REFLECTION OF WAVES AT FAULT PLANES Summary Tracing of faults in seismic sections is very difficult. Tectonic zones are as a rule delineated in places of occurrence of breaks in correlation of reflectors or complex seismic record. The analysis of elastic properties of rocks occurring in zones of disturbances or faults makes it possible to state that they differ from those of undisturbed adjoining rock medium. On the basis of the recorded differences in acoustic resistance values, it is concluded that fault zone surfaces may be treated as seismic boundaries providing that their geological setting is advantageous. Such advantageous geological setting is analysed here with reference to elastic properties of rocks, mainly Zeichstein. Delineation of dislocation and fault zones on the basis of wave-s reflected from their surface may greatly contribute to the effectiveness of seismic surveys.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia