Osady fitogeniczne w dolinach rzek nizinnych w Polsce


  • Krzysztof Laskowski


PHYTOGENIC DEPOSITS IN LOWLAND RIVER VALLEYS IN POLAND Summary High variability of phytogenic deposits occurring in lowland river valleys makes each time necessary to estimate genetic type of a deposit. The available schemes of sedimentation of alluvia (1, 2, 10) do not take into account specific conditions prevailing in lowland river valleys in Poland. According to several authors, the origin of peats and organic aggradations in such valleys is connected with: - sedimentation in ox-bows, - sedimentation of food-facies deposits, - some agents not related directly with activity of channel or flood water on a valley. The presence of deposits of the third group indicates damming. The presence of deposits of the third group indicates damming of creek downstream of their occurrence. Such damming is usually related to movement of dunes, technical overbuilding of creek, or crustal movements. Peats and organic aggradations, occuring outside of ox-bows in the form of patches, unequivocally evidence that, besides river erosion, transportation and sedimentation of alluvia, some other processes such as glacial, lacustrine sedimentation, and eolian processes and the action of Man, were participating in modelling river valley.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia