Karpackie łupki bitumiczne - ich rozwój i perspektywy jako surowca energetycznego


  • Stefan Gucik


CARPATHIAN BITUMINOUS SHALES - THEIR ORIGIN AND POTENTIAL AS ENERGY RAW MATERIALS Summary The paper deals with occurrences of bituminous shales in the Menillite Beds in eastern part of the Polish Carpathians. The shales of deposit value were found to occur throughout the Menillite Beds in the Sub-Silesian and Silesian Units, being limited to their lower parts in the Sole Unit and Upper part in the Dukla Unit. Content of bitumens in rocks of the above series is plotted in the sections (Fig. 3). Content of shale oil is the highest in rocks of the Menilli te Shales in south-eastern part of the Skole Unit, 4.18% at the average, increasing often up to 7% in single samples. That area is here tentatively treated as the Rozpucie-Zawadka bituminous shale deposit. Resources of raw materials of .commercial value may be estimated for that area and, according to some premises, for adjoining ones, especially in the case of the Sub-Silesian Unit.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia