Kierunki poszukiwań węglowodorów we fliszu Karpat Zachodnich na podstawie wyników dotychczasowych badań


  • Wojciech Ryłko
  • Kazimierz Żytko


DIRECTIONS IN SEARCH FOR BITUMENS IN THE FLYSCH OF THE WESTERN CARPATHIANS IN THE LIGHT OF HITHERTO OBTAINED RESULTS Summary The paper presents an outline of geological structure of the vicinities of Żywiec in the Western Carpathians (Fig. l) and geological interpretation of the Bystra IG-1 borehole column (Fig. 2). The geological setting of the encountered water, oil, and gas is described (Fig. 3) and their deposit parameters are given. Water and oil are coming from rocks of Silesian Unit scale (Gródek Sandstones - Oligocene), sealed by Pre-Magura Unit rocks, and gas from folded Upper Eocene sandstones of the Magura Unit. Attention is paid to deposit potential of Flysch basement of the Magura Unit and deep zone of the Carpathians south of the Slavkov-Cieszyn Ridge.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia