Rola badań fotogeologicznych w realizacji "Programu Wisła"


  • Józef Bażyński


ON THE ROLE OF PHOTOGEOLOGICAL STUDIES IN WORKS CONNECTED WITH THE VISTULA FROGRAMME Summary The paper deals with suitableness of teledetection methods in geological-engineering surveys of the Vistula River valley. A wide range of geological works which should be carried out within the frame of the "Wisła Programme" makes it necessary to use panchromatic air photos. The advantages connected with the use of available panchromatic air photos are discussed and the necessity to overcome some organizational difficulties is shown. Possibilities of use of photos made in close infrared and thermal images for geological-engineering purposes are briefly discussed. The use of infrared photos is shown to be limited to special research works only. The use of satellite photos and radar imagery is shown to be highly purposeful.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia