Możliwości wykorzystania surowców skalnych przy realizacji "Programu Wisła"
ON POSSIBILITIES OF USE OF ROCK RAW MATERIALS IN REALIZING THE VISTULA PROGRAMME Summary The realization of the "Wisła Programme" makes it necessary to cover demans for large amounts of high quality building material. The qualitative and quantitative requirements are met by Carpathian sandstones from the Wadowice-Myślenice exploitation center. In that center, six zones have been recognized as perspective from the point of view of documentation and exploitation of deposits. In the organizational scheme, the manager of that center should be responsible for exploitation of raw materials for the needs of the "Wisła Programme". The second group of raw material comprises natural aggregate deposits occurring in zones denoted with letters A-N. Similarly the recognized deposits and those exploited without appropriate recognition, the selected areas should be covered by geological- raw material surveys aimed at search for further resources and designing their most appropriate use.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia