Zasady ustalania schematycznego przekroju geologicznego dolinnych jednostek geomorfologicznych dla celów inżyniersko-geologicznych i hydrogeologicznych
THE PRINCIPLES OF ESTABLISHMENT OF SCHEMATIC GEOLOGICAL SECTION THROUGH VALLEY GEOMORPHOLOGICAL UNITS OR THEIR PARTS FOR ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL PURPOSES Summary The paper presents a brief summary of results of surveys and theoretical analyses of evolution of river valleys and interrelationships between hydrological regime of a creek, the reasons of its variability and development of river channel and relief and geological structure of valley forms. The origin and geological structure are well known to determine geological-engineering and hydrogeological setting of geomorphological units as a whole or their parts. A new morphogenetic subdivision of river valleys into sections is taken into account. The studies on development of river valleys, carried out for many years by the author, made it possible to establish methodology of such studies and to test it in current practice. Leaving aside the questions of origin and type of geological structure, the following conclusions are drawn: l) alluvial series are characterized by differentiated origin and geological structure which, however, are easily decipherable when certain evolutionary schemes. are taken into account, 2) sedimentation of alluvia is taking place in accordance with some regularities which may be accurately defined, 3) alluvia may be used as a useful tool for reconstruction of paleoclimate and paleogeography of river valleys and drainage basins, and 4) the use of the proposed methods makes engineering-geological surveys less time consuming, ensuring at the same time highly reliable results.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia