Podstawowe prace geologiczne, hydrogeologiczne i inżyniersko-geologiczne Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego dla potrzeb zagospodarowania doliny Wisły i jej dorzecza
BASIC GEOLOGICAL, HYDROGEOLOGICAL AND ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL STUDIES CARRIED OUT BY THE WARSAW UNIVERSITY FOR THE NEEDS OF ECONOMIC USE OF THE VISTULA RIVER VALLEY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Summary From foundation of the Warsaw University, its researchers have been deeply interested in the Vistula River as an geological object shaping its valley and receiving, transporting and depositing rock material eroded in its drainage basin. At the background of earlier works on these problems, the works completed by researchers of the Faculty of Geology of the University during over 25 years of its existence are discussed. The works, important for management of the Vistula River valley and drainage basin, include those from the fields of basic geological, engineering-geological (including regional, mapping, soil science, and geodynamic, especially neotectonic and fluviodynamic), hydrogeological (including regional, mapping, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical, and system) and deposit-geological (including documentary-mapping) surveys. In oder to solve geological problems connected with realization of the "Programme of management and appropriate use of the Vistula River and water resources of the country", the Faculty of Geology of the Warsaw University is continuing works in the above fields, which is best evidenced by completed and currently prepared maps for the need of designers-hydrotechnicians.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia