Stan i kierunki badań geologiczno-inżynierskich w Instytucie Geologicznym dla potrzeb zabudowy hydrotechnicznej w dorzeczu Wisły
THE STATE AND DIRECTIONS IN GEOLOGICAL-ENGINEERING STUDIES FOR THE NEEDS OF HYDROTECHNICAL BUILDING IN VISTULA RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN, CARRIED OUT BY THE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Summary Documentary and methodological engineering-geological surveys carried out by the Geological Institute in the Vistula River drainage basin are discussed in the paper. The surveys, carried out for many years, made it possible to outline several problems which should be solved by further detailed studies. Recommendations for further works are given taking into account technical requirements of hydrotechnical structures and their influence on neighboring areas and natural environment. The presented postulates concern same organizational measures as well as methods and technology of works which should make it possible to realize programme of research in the Vistula River drainage basin till 1990.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia