Chronotstratygrafia neogenu Polski południowej (północna część Paratetydy Centralnej) na podstawie badań paleobotanicznych


  • Leon Stuchlik


CHRONOTSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE NEOGENE IN SOUTHERN POLAND (NORTHERN PART OF THE CENTRAL PARATETHYS) ON THE BASIS OF PALEOBOTANICAL STUDIES Summary The article presents floristical characteristic of the stratotypes of the Neogene in south Poland, based on paleobotanical studies. Palaeogeographic development of the Carpathian Foredeep and the development of the vegetation from Karpatian till Romanian have been described. There are no paleobotanical evidence for the older, Egerian, Eggenburgian and Ottnangian stages. The Karpatian flora from the profiles in the Nowy Sącz Basin and at Twardawa in the Sudetic foreland is characterized by a high participation of typical Miocene sporomorphs as well as pollen grains of Pinus and Taxodiaceae-Cupressaceae. The Lower Badenian is represented by the floras from Wieliczka, Swoszowice and Gdów Bay. It is characterized by a considerable participation of termophilous elements and marked predominance of Angiospermae over Gymnospermae. In the Upper Badenian flora from the Nowy Targ-Orawa Basin, a remarkable change in the vegetation could be recognized. It is expressed by a predominance of conifers over angiosperms and successive decline of more termophilous elements. Remarkable is a high participation of pollen of Alnus kejersteinii type. Somewhat different is the Upper Badenian flora from the vicinity of Tarnobrzeg, at northern margin of the Paratethys. It is characterized by the predominance of angiosperms over gymnosperms and high proportion of shrubs in the vegetation cover. The vegetation of Sarmatian can be assigned to 3 different geobotanic provinces. The vegetation of the mountain province of the Western Carpathians, represented by the floras of the Nowy Targ-Orawa Basin is more or less uniform. In the forests, conifers were prevailing over angiosperms. In the flora of the vicinity of Chmielnik, which belongs to north-European lowland province, angiosperms - with large proportion of small leaf elements - distinctly prevail over the gymnosperms. In the flora of Stare Gliwice, which belongs to the west-European province, the Gymnospermae prevail over the Angiospermae and the increasing of more termophilous elements can be recognized. Younger Pliocene floras have been studied in the Nowy Targ-Orawa Brasin. In the Pannonian floras, the Tertiary genera and plant communities decrease in number and some of them disappear at all. In the pollen spectra of the Pontian stage, sporomorphs Quaternary genera distinctly prevail over the Tertiary ones and the share of the NAP group increases. A further decrease of Tertiary elements at the advantage of NAP pollen can be recognized in pollen spectra of the Dacian floras from Domański Wierch, Krościenko and Mizerna I. The youngest Pliocene stage - Romanian - is represented only by the flora at Mizerna I/II and Mizerna II. Conifer forests were predominating in the mountains, while at lower altitudes loose, mixed deciduous forests were developed, with high participation of shrubs in the undergrown. Some recurrence of more termophilous genera could be recognized here.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia