Lokalizacja form krasowych metodami geofizycznymi w rezerwacie "Węże" (Wyżyna Wieluńska)


  • Konstanty Czepulis
  • Jerzy Stein
  • Adam Szynkiewicz


LOCATION OF KARST FORMS IN THE WĘŻE NATURE RESERVE (WIELUŃ UPLAND) WITH THE GEOPHYSICAL METHODS Summary Limestone butte with numerous caves and evened top surface of the denuded lapiaz type, situated in the area of the Wieluń Upland, was selected as practice range for model studies on locating karst forms with the use of geophysical methods. In order to trace underground karst forms, two geophysical methods supplementing one another were used: microgravimetry and electric resistance profiling. Measurements taken in 10 m intervals of points arranged in rectangular network made H possible to compile maps of' gravity microanomalies and isoohms for AB = 30 m and AB = 50 m (with MN equal 5 m). The maps show axes of negative gravity microanomalies and those of relatively negative anomalies of apparent resistance. The results of the surveys were plotted in a summative map. It was assumed that points of convergence of axes of negative gravity microanomalies and relatively negative apparent resistance anomalies may indicate the presence of large channels and other karst forms infilled with clay or loamy deposits under surface of the hill. In turn, convergence of axes of negative gravity microanomalies and marked, relatively positive anomalies of apparent resistance may indicate the presence of large caverns and empty karst channels of karst channels infilled with sand. The surveys confirmed the continuity of the whole karst system of the hill. Moreover, a convergence of orientation of the inferred karst channels and tectonic directions found on the basis of cave studies and surface geological mapping was found.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia