Elewacja radomszczańska w świetle geologicznej interpretacji zdjęć satelitarnych


  • Paweł Henryk Karnkowski


THE RADOMSKO ELEVATION IN THE LIGHT OF GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF SATELLITE PHOTOS Summary On the basis of satellite photos in the scales l : 1,000,000 and l : 250,000, taken by Landsat-1, several linear structures were found (Fig. 1). Some of these lines may be identified with the known geological structures and correlated with tectonic and geomorphological phenomena. NW-SE oriented structures coincide with Laramian folds, i.e. major structural elements of the Radomsko Elevation (Figs. 2, 3) whereas those WNW-ESE oriented coincide with the Świętokrzyski (Baikalian) direction. The Miocene Bełchatów Trough originated at the extension of the Świętokrzyski fracture zone. The area of occurrence of Miocene deposits which infill the Through coincides with the extent of water-saturated zones, comprisi.ng the area characterized by trend to subsidence (Figs. 4, 5). The inner structure of the area is well reflected by subsurface tectonic and geomorphological structures, evidencing block character of the basement and indicating fractures common for that area and the Holy Cross Mts. Geological interpretation of satellite photos gives further support to polygenic nature of the Radomsko Elevation area, found by W. Pożaryski. The structure originated at the crossing of the Poznań-Rzeszów lineament and marginal zone of the Małopolska massif. The examples given here clearly evidence en echelon arrangement of faults forming the Poznań-Rzeszów lineament.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia