Uwagi o tektonice rowu Kleszczowa


  • Jerzy Głazek
  • Tomasz Zapaśnik


REMARKS ON TECTONICS OF THE KLESZCZÓW TROUGH Summary Latitudinal Kleszczów Graben obliquely cutting NW-SE oriented Laramian structures, is characterized by highly complex internal structure (Fig. 1). Numerous blocks were found both along and across the structure (1-4, 7, 11). Movements along faults delineating these blocks were taking place at least from the beginning of the Miocene till Holocene (1-2, 4, 10). That is why Neogene and Pleistocene deposits, up to 500 m thick, are preserved in the Graben. The Graben is marked in the terrain morphology by a series of peat-infilled depressions. The area is still tectonically active, which is evidenced by a seismic quake of 3.1° in the Richter scale, recorded on March 1980. At southern margin of the Graben, numerous antithetic blocks were found in Mesozoic rocks. Above these blocks, overvault folds have originated in loose Neogene and Pleistocene deposits (Fig. 2). These structures show that the Kleszczów Graben represents distensional structure, typical of Cenozoic tectonics of the Meta-Carpathian Arch. Additional complications originated due to halokinetic processes, typical of more northerly areas and here responsible for some local complications only (salt dome - Fig. l, uplifted blocks of Middle Jurassic rocks - cross-section C in Fig. 2).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia