Problemy inżyniersko-geologicznej oceny masywów skalnych w realizacji "Programu Wisła"


  • Halina Łozińska-Stępień


PROBLEMS OF ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL ESTIMATIONS OF ROCK MASSIFS IN REALIZATION OF THE VISTULA PROGRAMME Summary Some problems connected with engineering-geological evaluations of rocks massifs within the frame of the Wisła Programme are discussed. A special attention is paid to indispensable appropriate establishment of a model geological structure of rock massif. Individual elements of such model and their influence on engineering-geological estimations of the massif are discussed. It is emphasized that the studies should be characterized by a complex approach which makes possible to obtain full engineering-geological characteristic of the massif as both the foundation soil and aquifer or construction material. The problems discussed in the paper clearly prove differentiation of rocks massifs and changes taking places in them in result of action of various processes which are reflected by differences in quantitative engineering-geological parameters characterizing the massifs.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia