Koncepcja zabudowy hydrotechnicznej Wisły i jej dorzecza oraz potrzeby rozpoznania geologicznego


  • Aleksander Łaski


CONCEPTION OF HYDROTECHNICAL BUILDUP OF THE VISTULA RIVER AND ITS CATCHMENT AREA AND TASKS FOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS Summary The projects of hydrotechnical build up of the Vistula River and its catchment area and related demands for geological surveys are discussed. The project are studied nawadays in order to prepare a programme of complex build up of the river and its catchment area. The major aims of these works include: - to make possible the use of the Vistula River system as one of the major sources of water for municipal and industrial purposes ; - to create appropriate conditions for the development of tourism; and - to get protection against floods. There were also made preliminary estimations of the average conditions and difficulties which may be encountered in construction of the designed hydrotechnical objects. The estimations showed that the realization of the Wisła Programme will require completion of about 70% of research works planned for these years till 1990 in the field of geology.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia