Badania zmian środowiska geologicznego wynikłych z zagospodarowania doliny Wisły i jej dorzecza oraz wykorzystania zasobów wodnych kraju


  • Witold Cezariusz Kowalski


THE STUDIES ON CHANGES IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENT DUE TO THE USE OF THE VISTULA RIVER VALLEY AND CATCHMENT AREA AND THE WATER RESOURCES Summary The paper presents some statements important for planning geological surveys: l) The development of national economy requires harmonious progress in its individual branches; 2) The development results in definite changes of geological environment; and 3) Intensification of the development requires forecasting of both the present and future changes of the geological environment and the conscious modelling of the engineering-geological environment. The engineering-geological environment of a given objest of the Man activity is defined as a part of the geological environment which influences the object and its use on the one hand and it is subjected to the influence of the object on the other hand. Engineering-geological environment boundaries, especially those of a hydrotechnical object are defined. The problem of alteration of geological environment due to construction and exploitation of hydrotechnical object is discussed. Some conclusions concerning perspective designing of geological (engineering-geological) surveys for the needs of the programme of use of the Vistula River valley and catchment area and the use of water resources of the country are given.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia