Nowa Pracownia Mikroanalizy Elektronowej w Zakładzie Mineralogii i Petrografii Instytutu Nauk Geologicznych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego


  • Ryszard Kryza
  • Henryk Siagło


NEW ELECTRON MICROANALYSIS LABORATORY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY, INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES, WROCŁAW UNIVERSITY Summary Most of scientific institutions in Poland, like in other post-communist countries, are poorly equipped with mordern analytical facilities. Very high prices of laboratory instruments, in particular when compared with the bad financial condition of these institutions, make little chance for easy progress. A reasonable solution in that difficult situation appears to be the purchase or donation of second hand, but still good working, instruments from research laboratories in the West. In April 1993, the Instituut vor Aardwetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, was so generous to donate to the Institute of Geological Sciences, Wroclaw University, an electron microprobe Cambridge Microscan MK9. The idea was born during the scientific cooperation between dr. E.A.J. Burke and prof. A. Jasiński, and the rather risky task of moving the two instruments (one in good operating condition, and another one for spare parts) was undertaken by the authors of this notice. With very low funds invested (altogether ca. 5 000 $), the microprobe was transported to Wrocław and successfully installed in the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology. After several months, the instrument was ready to start its new life. This happened on 29 November 1994, when the former users, Wim Lustenhouwer and Johan de Lange, came to Wrocław to perform the final calibration of the probe. Most of the funds for the arranging of the new lab were from the current research funds of the Institute of Geological Sciences. Considerable financial help was also provided by the TEMPUS JEP 03656-94, coordinated by Keele University, U.K. (dr. M. Piasecki), under which a three week training for two persons in the United Kingdom was arranged (R. Kryza and H. Siagło), as well as a two week visit to Wrocław of dr. N. Charnley of Oxford University. Apart from the institutions and individuals mentioned above, the list of persons who contributed to the establishment of the new lab is long: J. Tur (electronic engineer), F. Gibb and G. Mulhearn (Sheffield University), J. Spratt and T. Williams (Natural History Museum, London), H.J. Bernhardt and H.J. Massonne (RUB Bochum), M. Veschambre (Universite B. Pascal et CNRS, Clermont-Ferrand), J. Zalasiewicz (BGS, Keyworth), S. Jones (Cambridge Microlab), J. Hejna and A. Kamińska (Politechnika Wrocławska), K. Niżewski (PAN, Wrocław), D. Handley (University College Dublin), J. Kasner, M. Awdankiewicz and K. Turniak (Wrocław University). Many thanks are due to all.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia